Whether you are a designer, musician, writer, filmmaker, or belong to any other field, you must know how important it is to be creative as creativity is part of what makes the work special. 

Unique ideas are highly appreciated in the artistic community. However, creativity does not always come easily. Some people are gifted with a knack for creativity. Your mind can make it feel impossible to come up with good ideas or start a new project. 

If you feel like you are not the one who can be creative, it does not mean you can’t do anything special. Much like muscle, creativity is something you can develop with a little practice and determination.

Sitting back and waiting for inspiration to come may lead to discouragement. You should always look for ways to boost your creative skills. If you don’t know how to be creative? Let us help you to be creative with these tips, So let your creative juice flow! 

Tips And Tricks On How To Be Creative

If you want to be creative, just make it happen. Here are 10 tips and tricks on how to be creative.

1. Do Not Believe In The “Right Brain” And “Left Brain” Myth

You might hear that right-brained people are more creative and artistic, while the left-brained are the analytical type. However, these beliefs coming from the ages are less credible than originally thought.

In 2013 study, which observed brain scans of various types of individuals, found that cognitive activity was similar on both sides of the brain, and no one side was more creative or analytical than the other. 

2. Discover Quality In Quantity

To be creative is not about perfection. This means you do not have to worry about making every idea look good. Rather, consider coming up with many ideas, even if they do not seem perfect at first. These ideas can be a baby step to other ideas that may come along. 

You need to brainstorm a great amount of ideas before setting on the right one that leads to further inspiration. Often, it takes a high quantity of ideas before coming to the quality ideas that assures further development.

3. Create A Mood Board

Whether you have an upcoming project due or you are simply seeking some inspiration, mood boards can be very helpful tools when it comes to be creative. 

There is also research to support that. One study compared the use and effect of mood boards between fashion designers and non-fashion designers, only to learn that there was a significant impact on both.

In the end, both reported higher levels of creativity when creating and taking the help of mood boards. 

4. Connect With Creative People

When you have a wall filled with your ideas, it may be time to tap into the creativity of others. Being with people with whom you can share ideas and get feedback and opinions is not only good for your creativity but also good for your career. 

Different points of view can act as a fresh perspective on a project you have been staring at for too long. Creative people give you feedback on your projects, their drive will keep you determined to do your best. 

A healthy competition could be just a push that you need to channel your inner creative spirit. 


5. Write Down Your Dreams

Whether you are dreaming about winning an Olympic gold medal or meeting the partner of your dreams– write it down. Research finds a direct relationship between our night dreams and daily creativity. 

In one study, half of the participants were asked to write down their dreams every day for a month, while the other half didn’t. The participants took a creativity test each day. The people who wrote down their dreams daily scored better than those who didn’t 

6. Watch Some Funny Content To Relax

Have you reached a stage where you’re watching cat videos for hours on end due to a lack of creativity? It appears that those films of cats might be useful after all. Empathy and creativity are strongly correlated, according to research

Laughing can help you get closer to those insights. In addition to improving your mood, humor also frees up your mind to allow for more creative problem-solving and free thought.

You’ll allow yourself to see the issue at hand from a different angle if you approach your endeavor with more humor. For inspiration, start with this collection of humorous tweets and social media postings from actual brands.

7. Practice

Practice is important to be creative. No screenwriter is born with script ideas in their head, and no designer has multiple design concepts. It takes time and practice to create these skills. 

The more you practice to be creative, the more you are preparing yourself for success in the future for creative endeavors.

8. Look To The Ordinary

Looks towards ordinary, everyday things for inspiration and to be creative. This can help your brain to think more creatively. For example, if you see an interesting design or texture on the wall of any building, take note so you can expand on your ideas and concepts later. 

If you want to choreograph a dance and you see the wind blowing through the trees, take note of the movements of the leaves and branches. 

Be ready to look for inspiration when you are not expecting it. If you observe something that sparks an imaginative idea, make sure you remember it for the future. Take notes on your phone or click a photo for later use. 

9. Give Your Brain A Restart

Sometimes it’s best to form new ideas and take a step back from your work. Robert Epstein, PhD, a psychologist and Harvard grad, says stress and time constraints can kill your creative process. So, it’s best to take a break. This can help to reduce anxiety and stress around the work and get you to be creative again 

Here are a few ways to give yourself a brain break:

Go on a walk: Go on a walk, as it can get you out into a new atmosphere. Not only this it can also help you relax and enjoy nature. You can also find new ideas during your walk.

Eat a snack: Taking a snack break can refresh your mind and give your brain power so it can work and do more creative work.

Read a book: Sometimes allowing your brain to think of something else is a good idea to regenerate your creativity. Reading a book or a magazine can bring motivation to you. 

Take a quick nap: Energy is really important and helpful for you to be creative. If you are feeling tired, taking a quick nap might be just the thing you need. 

be great be happy

10. Keep a doodle journal at your desk

Are you the one who thinks visually? If so, you might find it hard to find a direction with your creative ideas when you are limited to the four corners of your screen. Change your routine and grab a pencil and paper to let your ideas free form in a physical outlet. 

A blank paper or whiteboard may just be the best outlet to allow you to organize your thought process into one space.

According to Sunni Brown, author of The Doodle Revolution, Even if you’re only making notes in the margins, you’re activating distinct neural networks in your brain and interacting with distinct types of information.”


To be creative is not just a skill, it’s a way of life– an approach to exploring the world with curiosity, imagination, and openness. 

By welcoming creativity and incorporating it into your daily life, you can open the door to new possibilities, overcome obstacles, and create a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose. 

So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and let your imagination soar.

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