Thinking about how to change your life? It’s okay to resist change for the better. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Far from it. 

Change is good for everyone in both personal and professional lives since it makes us more flexible, exposes us to new things and people, and opens up the door to new opportunities. 

Sometimes, the idea of including positive habits in our lives might look overwhelming. Why? Because we believe we must perform a complete overhaul of our existing habits to do so.

Change is something we can learn to do naturally to live the life we want to and feel the way we want to. When we feel happy, we feel stronger and able to tackle everything.

As human beings, there always comes a time in your lives when you must learn how to change your life, whether you like it or not. Once we come to terms with the fact that making a change for the better can help us make positive changes!

Positive changes result in positive outcomes, and making a change for the better is likely to be the thing you are going to need to do to feel happy and successful again. 

However, if you want to change your life, and don’t know how to change your life, you can do so positively by following these useful tips. 

Tips – How to change your life

Identify What You Want To Change 

Whenever you decide to change your life or how to be change for the better, you must first understand why you are making the change in the first place. A professor named Anthony Grant, from the University of Sydney’s Coaching Psychology Unit, says that you must start defining your goals and identify what is important. 

“You need to be able to recognize what it is about your goal that adds to you as a person, that makes you feel better and more expansive,” Grant said

If the goal aligns with your main values, then “ the thought of it will trigger a positive gut feeling. 

Get rid of Negativity 

This is not as simple as it sounds. If you are surrounded by negativity, then how can you expect to have a positive and happy life?

Those with negativity are more stressed, get sick, and have fewer chances than those who have a positive mindset. Lifehacker’s Chris Talambas says “When you decide to change your life positively and act accordingly, you will begin to experience situations and people that are positive”  

When you complete the steps, you will become more confident and happy. 


Find What Motivates You

What are you doing it for? Discovering what motivates you can keep you on track and help to change for the better. When you understand you can achieve whatever goals you have, big or small, it motivates you to keep going. Picture your life’s dream, and visualize it with a mood board if you need to. 

Staying motivated isn’t always easy, so give yourself some powerful reminders to keep on going. 

Surround Yourself With Love

One of the good tips on how to change your life is to surround yourself with love. When you do it, it makes you feel better. Keep those people who want to see you winning and happy. When you allow toxic people in your life, chances are high to destroy your positivity too. 

Say NO to all such people and things and remember the love’s gotta come from within too! Love yourself no matter what and watch how good life feels when you are continuously tearing yourself down.

Reward Yourself

Rewards encourage small accomplishments on the way to your long-term goals- says Dr. Michael R Mantell, cognitive behavior coach and author of “The Link Is What You Think”

Each time you reach a goal and celebrate winning, a rush of dopamine pushes you to continue because your body needs that feeling of satisfaction, which helps build intrinsic motivation because of the pleasure experienced. I

Exercise Regularly

You may be tired of hearing everyone telling you that you need to exercise more. Sure, exercising is good for you to be physically fit and smart. But, also excellent if you don’t know how to change your life, to become more positive in life.

Exercise can change the direction of most situations in your life. As Nike says, “Just Do It”. The benefits of exercise are so many, you gain purpose and drive, but most of all it teaches you how to be disciplined. 


Be Kind To Others

A professor, Sonja Lyubomirsky at the University of California, Riverside, says “People who do kind acts more often become happier over time” The reason? “When you are kind to others, you feel good as a person, more moral, positive, and optimistic.

There are so many ways that you can be kind to others that don’t take much time and effort. For. e.g. You could give a compliment to your co-worker, pay for a meal for a needy person, visit a family member or friend, or drive them wherever they want to go. Give extra tips to waiters. Or, you could do volunteer work whenever you have free time.

Don’t Compete Or Compare

As soon as you compare your journey to someone else’s, you start to lose yourself. There is just no point in doing that! No two lives can be same. 

Just because you are not where you want it to be, doesn’t mean you won’t be there. As the saying goes, “A dream delayed is not a dream denied”, Comparing yourself is always make you feel miserable. This is one the best thing you can d if you don’t know how to change you life.

Limit The Non-Essentials

After identifying the things that are most essential in your life, it’s time to start reducing things that are less necessary. This is all about simplifying your life and if you don’t know how to change your life, so that you can focus on the things that matters the most and stop you from getting distracted. 

Leo Babauta explains on Zen Habits We have so much things in our lives, from possessions to things we need to do to information coming into visual and emotional clutter, that we overlooked. 

The result? We end up doing stuff that are not really essential, because we have so much other things to do that has crept into our lives and that we leave in our lives, unexamined.

Take Baby Steps

“The main motivator that takes us to persevere is baby steps”, says John Brubaker on Enterpreneur. That’s because when we look at the big picture we can get worried with all the steps involved in accomplishing a goal. 

Instead, break the goals into more manageable, and small baby steps, then try to achieve it and celebrate your wins daily. This will help you achieve that change that you have been seeking in a positive and meaningful way. These are the crucial steps if you are unaware about how to change your life.


All the good things won’t happen overnight, but it can happen anytime soon than you think if you are working and consistent in your actions. Are you ready for some positive change? And looking for tips on how to change your life, then these are the tips you should follow and make that changes now.

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