For every individual, staying positive and happy is different. It could be being content with who you are, having supportive friends, or having the ability to follow your dreams. 

Sometimes it is hard to stay positive when you are thinking of negative things. Happiness isn’t the only type of positivity definition. There are many ways to stay positive in life even if you are angry, sad, or facing challenges. 

No matter how you define happiness, a happier, more positive existence is achievable. You can get there by making a few changes to your daily life. 

According to researchers, a multitude of factors, including genetics, external actions, and life circumstances, contribute significantly to happiness and are mostly outside of your control. It’s critical to have a good mindset and enhance your perspective on life.

If you have ever wondered how to stay positive and happy, understand that habits and how you look at life play an important role. No one can be happy and stay positive all the time, but one can try and learn to be. 

It’s critical to have a more optimistic mindset and emphasize staying positive if you want to lead a better life.

Ways of How to stay positive and happy 

Here are simple ways to stay positive and happy.

Be Thankful At All Times

If you have so many things in life for which you are thankful, it is impossible to experience depression. 

You have to acknowledge that even with things turning out poorly, we still have things in our lives that the majority of people on the planet do not. 

According to the study, your brain is always drawn to the worst things in life tragedies, disappointments, anxieties, etc. We should so concentrate more on the positive. 

Making a gratitude list and reading it whenever you have time will help you achieve this. You will feel much better about life and attract more blessings.

Stay Curious 

It can seem like everyone is against you when you are cut off in rush hour or have a disagreement with a coworker during a presentation. To stay positive, you can choose to adopt a different mindset, though, if you find yourself feeling insulted and critical.

Everybody is doing what makes sense to them based on their think­ing,” states Senn. “We don’t have to agree with it, but we can decide not to take it personally.” 

be great be happy

Instead, decide to be inquisitive about the events and mental processes that influence someone else’s behavior. And while you’re at it, think about the underlying causes of your responses.

Help Others

To stay positive, engaging in volunteer work or charitable work can improve your spiritual well-being and inner tranquility. 

Purchasing a large home and expensive vehicles won’t make you happier in the long term. 

Realizing how fortunate you are in comparison to others can also be achieved by making contributions to the benefit of society.

Researchers discovered that helping others, even with a small financial or time commitment, significantly increases our happiness. 

This is because all of our attention will be on how we might help others and less on the unfavorable individuals and things in our immediate environment.


Meditating will help you stay positive, focused, attentive, and clear-headed while also maintaining mental calmness. In the long run, it keeps you happy and prevents you from becoming worried. It has advantages for the body and mind.

A Harvard researcher named Matt Killingsworth, who is a senior fellow at the Wharton Schools, investigates the nature and causes of human happiness, including happiness at work

He also claims that having a wandering mind won’t make us happy. Concentration, awareness of the present, and accepting it without passing judgment are all enhanced by meditation. It helps one to put the past behind them and stop worrying about the future.

Stop Thinking Negative Thoughts

Negative ideas overwhelm certain people, and they have a very difficult time overcoming them.

According to research, you may effectively get rid of unpleasant thoughts in your head by writing them down on paper and then burning them. They suggest that you shred, burn, or throw away the paper!

Removing them physically does assist in mitigating their harmful consequences. Psychologists suggest doing this regularly.

Make Time To Sleep

Lack of sleep causes pessimism to consume our thoughts. Your body needs time to heal from the stress of the previous day. 

There are many kinds of natural sleep aids available. Sleep promotes happiness, productivity, and mental clarity. Those who sleep well typically experience reduced stress, and irritability, and stay positive

Studies have demonstrated that the hippocampal region of the brain is responsible for processing happy and pleasant thoughts. 

This function becomes less functional and we start thinking more negatively than usual when we don’t get enough sleep.

Put Mindfulness Into Practice

What does it mean to be mindful? It simply means bringing all of your attention to the present moment and accepting it without passing judgment. 

This phenomenon is currently becoming more common in the disciplines of psychology and medicine. When done regularly, it can elevate quality of life, elevate mood, and reduce stress.

You can enjoy positive emotions and other physical senses, such as touch and smell, by keeping your attention on the here and now. 

Consider how joyful they make you feel. It works rather well at assisting people in letting go of the past and ceasing to worry about horrifying scenarios for the future.

Communicate Your Emotions

Many things that occur in our lives are things we keep inside of us. We also feel relieved when we communicate such feelings. 

There should always be someone you can talk to who you can trust and who can relate to your situation. You can also just put it in writing if you can’t find the correct individual.

Reduce Your Concerns

Anyone’s ability to think clearly can be severely undermined by a habit of worrying about anything. The majority of your life’s fears are unfounded. 

They resemble mental nightmares exactly. It makes you feel anxious and gets stronger every day.

Never Compare Yourself  To Others

Many move through life under the false impression that they compete with others. They are unable to experience true fulfillment as a result. The smiles go from their faces as they start to believe that they will never be enough.

To stay positive and happy, you should only evaluate yourself against the version of yourself that you were before. That will indicate whether things are getting better or whether you’ve remained stagnant for some time.

See someone who enjoys taking trips all over the world? You’re scared of flying and often uneasy when you step outside of your comfort zone, but all of a sudden you want to do it too.

be great be happy

Remain In Good Company

Of course, it’s acceptable to occasionally enjoy your company. To meditate and learn to listen to yourself, you need some alone time. But this is not the same as being a recluse.

Even if you’re not a fan of crowds, you can still benefit from them if you can locate a great location that won’t suffocate you too much. It can be a peaceful area in the park where you can enjoy some people-watching.

Develop Better Routines

Happiness and staying positive is not a gift from the cosmos; it is a decision you make. Instead, it’s a mindset that you develop. Positive life improvements are not always easy to achieve.

Even though the process is drawn out and challenging, the benefits exceed the drawbacks. 

By developing and sustaining beneficial habits in our daily lives, we can lay a strong basis for reaching our objectives of obtaining pleasure and to stay positive.


A friendly reminder to Not give Up and stay positive! Even though it can be challenging to remain upbeat all the time, it’s crucial to maintain your optimism and never lose hope that everything will work out. 

The key to maintaining positivity is found in the efficacy of positive thinking. Although we may not always control our situations in life, we can have control over the way we think!

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