A positive attitude is key to everything good in life. Negative thinking patterns are hard to break, and they can create troubles not only in your career but also in your mental and physical health. However, with the right practices and mindset shifts, you can change your life and replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

This will not only transform your life such as your mental well-being but can also improve other aspects of life. Here are 15 daily practices to help you turn negative thoughts to positive thoughts and ultimately change your thinking and level up your life.

How Do I Change My Thinking Pattern

Practices To Change Negative Thoughts to Positive Thoughts 

1. Be Grateful

To turn negative thoughts to positive thoughts start each day by being grateful for the things you have. This simple act diverts your focus from what is lacking or going wrong to the already present in your life. With time, this can turn your negative thoughts to positive thoughts by encouraging a habit of looking for the good. 

2. Check In With Your Body

The simplest step to change your negative thoughts to positive thoughts is to check in with your body. How do you feel when having negative thoughts? Research shows that when you have negative thoughts for 20 minutes, you shed brain cells responsible for reasoning and memory. Shifting focus to the body and breath creates detachment from thoughts so a person can access a sense of choice about what thoughts to have.

3. Positive Affirmations

Include some positive affirmations to reframe your mindset. Repeating this like “I am capable, and I can do it”, and “I am surrounded by love” can help replace self-doubt and negative thoughts with positive reinforcement.

4. Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation can be a good antidote to change negative thoughts to positive thoughts. Negative thoughts can gain power through the emotions we tie to them. Practicing mindfulness meditation daily helps strengthen emotion regulation skills and increase your ability to decouple your thoughts and emotions- Jamie Lewis Smith, Pixel Leadership Group, LLC

5. Journaling

Keep a journal to document your thoughts and feelings. Writing about your experiences allows you to process emotions and identify negative patterns, providing an opportunity to reframe them into positive thoughts. You can also write about self development goals to change your life for good.

6. Be With The Positive People

Surround yourself with positive people, the company you have has a great impact on your mindset, be with those people who uplift and inspire you, and cut those who have a negative mindset. Positive social interactions can help turn negative thoughts to positive thoughts.

7. Exercise Regularly

Physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Regular exercise can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, making it easier to maintain a positive outlook on life.

8. Practice Self-Compassion

Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend. Self-compassion helps you acknowledge and accept your imperfections without judgment, turning negative thoughts into positive thoughts about yourself.

9. Limit Exposure to Negative Media

Constant exposure to negative news and social media can drain your energy and foster a pessimistic outlook. Limit your consumption of negative media to protect your mental well-being and promote positive thinking.

10. Focus on Solutions, Not Problems

If facing any challenges, shift your focus from the problem to potential solutions. This approach helps you feel more in control and optimistic, turning negative thoughts into positive thoughts about your ability to overcome hurdles.

11. Practice Acts of Kindness

Doing acts of kindness for others can lift your mood and encourage a sense of connection and purpose. Simple gestures like complimenting someone or helping a neighbor can make a huge difference in how you feel.

12. Develop a Growth Mindset

Face challenges as opportunities for growth rather than threats to your self-worth. A growth mindset fosters learning and resilience, helping you replace negative thoughts to positive thoughts about your potential.

13. Visualize Success

Spend a few minutes each day visualizing yourself achieving your goals. This practice reinforces positive thinking and helps you stay motivated and focused on your aspirations.

14.  Maintain a Healthy Diet

Nutrition plays a crucial role in mental health. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can enhance your mood and energy levels, making it easier to sustain positive thoughts.

15. Get Enough Sleep

Adequate sleep is essential for mental and emotional well-being. Prioritize quality sleep to ensure your brain is well-rested and capable of maintaining a positive outlook.

Practices To Change Negative Thoughts to Positive Thoughts 

Is Negativity a Form of Depression?

Negativity can be a symptom of depression, but not everyone who has negative thoughts is depressed. Depression is a complex mental health condition characterized by persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, and other symptoms. 

Chronic negative thinking can contribute to or exacerbate depression, but it is not synonymous with the condition. If you suspect you might be depressed, it is important to seek professional help.

Can Positive Thinking Cure Our Negative Thoughts?

Positive thinking is not the only cure, but it can greatly minimize the frequency and intensity of negative thoughts. By consistently practicing a positive thought strategy, you can create new neural pathways in your brain that support a more optimistic outlook. This, in turn, can improve your mental health and overall quality of life.

However, positive thinking should be part of a holistic approach that includes other self-care practices, such as mindfulness, exercise, proper nutrition, and seeking professional help when needed. It’s important to acknowledge and address the root causes of negative thoughts, rather than simply trying to suppress them.

How Do I Change My Thinking Pattern?

Changing your thinking pattern involves a conscious effort to become aware of your negative thoughts and actively replace them with positive ones. Start by identifying and acknowledging these negative thought patterns, which can often manifest as self-doubt, pessimism, or catastrophic thinking. 

Challenge these thoughts by questioning their validity and seeking evidence that contradicts them. Reframe your perspective to focus on positive or neutral alternatives, and practice gratitude to shift your attention to the good in your life. 

With persistence and commitment, these strategies can transform your thinking patterns, leading to a more optimistic and fulfilling life.

Thoughts About Being Happy

Our thoughts shape your reality, happy thoughts can change your mood, improve your outlook, and lead to happier lives. Conversely, negative thoughts can cloud our perception, affect our well-being, and make happiness feel out of reach. Our thoughts about being happy are recognizing that happiness is a choice. While we can’t always control our circumstances, we can control how we respond to them. Choosing to focus on the positive aspects of life, even in difficult times, can greatly improve our overall happiness.


Changing your thinking is a powerful way to improve your mental well-being and transform your life. By becoming aware of negative thoughts, challenging and reframing them, and including positive thinking practices, you can turn negative thoughts to positive thoughts. This shift in mindset will not only improve your mood and strength but also lead to a happier life. Remember, the journey to positive thinking is ongoing, so be patient and persistent in your efforts.

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